Spring Grove offers heart based meditation retreats
in Assisi, Italy and Montecito, California.
For more information about retreats in California see: www.SilentStay.com
in Assisi, Italy and Montecito, California.
For more information about retreats in California see: www.SilentStay.com
by Ruth and Bruce Davis, PhD Founders:
- Days in the silence allow us to receive peace and quiet. Silence is our opportunity to receive the beauty in nature, meditation, the present moment, our hearts, the simplicity of just being and to touch the sacred inside of us.
- These are precious days free from our daily story and all that we are doing. In the quiet we open to the peace that is in our hearts. Silence allows everyone the opportunity to stay with their own thoughts, their inner experience.
- The quiet helps everyone find this inner place of love and beauty that is always present but mostly covered up by busy-ness. The gift of silence is having nothing to do, nothing to say, having time to enjoy solitude, gentleness, a quiet mind.
- A few days of simple peace and we feel new again, more in touch with our essence. The silence is the doorway into our own spirituality, truth, wisdom.
- When we are not busy talking, our mind takes a rest. Our heart becomes more available. The silence outside helps us to find the still place inside. This is our silent retreat, the vast quietude of the heart. A few days of simple peace and we feel new again, more in touch with our essence. The silence is the doorway into our own spirituality, truth and wisdom.
Non Profit Organization
We are a non-profit organization that supports people of all religions, countries and backgrounds to live a deeply satisfying spiritual life.
The path of great love and peace is to pursue a life full of heart that includes; devotion, simplicity, humility and service to others.
We are a non-profit organization that supports people of all religions, countries and backgrounds to live a deeply satisfying spiritual life.
The path of great love and peace is to pursue a life full of heart that includes; devotion, simplicity, humility and service to others.
Italian Phone number for more information: +39.392.230.1626
Home Office:
Silent Stay Meditation Center Santa Barbara, California www.SilentStay.com
Spring Grove Inc. 501(c)(3) non-profit
© since 1986 - present
Silent Stay Meditation Center Santa Barbara, California www.SilentStay.com
Spring Grove Inc. 501(c)(3) non-profit
© since 1986 - present
No part of this website may be copied or distributed without express permission of the Founders, Ruth or Bruce Davis, PhD